
May 30 - August 9, 2009

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany

Wi­th Com­pi­la­ti­on IV, the Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf con­ti­nues the young ex­hi­bi­ti­on se­ries in­itia­ted in 2003. The tit­le points to the com­pi­la­ti­on and in­ter­play of ar­tis­tic po­si­ti­ons that are the­ma­ti­cal­ly re­la­ted or clo­se in gen­re. Af­ter fo­cu­sing suc­ces­si­ve­ly on pho­to­gra­phy, film and vi­deo (2003), sculp­tu­re and in­stal­la­ti­ons (2005) and pain­ting (2007), Com­pi­la­ti­on IV brings to­ge­ther ar­tists of the youn­ger ge­ne­ra­ti­on who work in the me­dia of drawing and col­la­ge.

In re­cent ye­ars, drawing has again be­co­me po­pu­lar, re­flec­ted in a ma­ny-fa­ce­ted con­cern with the pos­si­bi­li­ties and tech­ni­ques it of­fers. The ex­hi­bi­ti­on will pre­sent a broad spec­trum of modes of ex­pres­si­on, from co­mic-style se­ries and text-image dia­lo­gues to drawing as inves­ti­ga­ti­on of me­mo­ry and per­cep­ti­on and as an ar­chi­ving tech­ni­que, from ex­ten­si­ve paper ob­jects and sil­hou­et­tes, era­sed and over­drawn news­pa­per pic­tu­res to ani­ma­ted and col­la­ge films. One ba­sic trend com­mon to the works is a pro­cli­vi­ty for nar­ra­ti­ve, for the imagi­na­ti­ve and fic­tio­nal.

Par­ti­ci­pa­ting ar­tists: San­dra Bö­schen­stein, Jür­gen von Dück­er­hoff, Chris­ti­ne Gens­hei­mer, Ka­tie Hol­ten, Chris­ti­an Hol­stad, Mo­ni­ca Ursi­na Jä­ger, Matt­hi­as Rein­hold, Nad­ja Schöll­ham­mer, Mun­go Thom­son.

More info here.